Strawberry Licensing &
Testing Group
We are highly committed to the development and distribution of high quality, great tasting, and productive strawberry varieties.
Through ambitious and diligent plant breeding, meticulous field testing and variety evaluation, and a network of first-class plant propagators and suppliers, we work to support a thriving and sustainable future for the strawberry industry.
Licensing of Proprietary Varieties
We are the Master Licensee for the Lassen Canyon Nursery strawberry variety Ruby June in all states that are east of the Mississippi, as well as Arkansa, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, and Canada. We also license on-farm trials of Lassen Canyon' Nursery’s Advanced Selection varieties.
Research & Development
Each year we collaborate with strawberry breeding programs to evaluate over 60 new varieties and advanced selections on farms across the Southeast. Our collaborators include University of California Davis, Lassen Canyon Nursery, North Carolina State University, and many commercial growers. We also conduct work with row covers and frost protection.
Banner photo credit: Chester-Davis Communications